Helping students to have more light bulb moments!
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Tailored Professional Development Pre-k-12
As teachers, our goal is to nurture a love for learning in our students and for them to experience more light bulb moments. Nothing is more rewarding for a teacher when their students have that Aha moment and understand why they are learning something!
I offer a variety of services that last from a few days of face to face workshops to long term school partnerships that can carry over to a period of years for Pre--k to 12 educators.
My role is as a coach to support curriculum development towards the implementation of a concept based and inquiry led curriculum.
Many schools are recognizing that ongoing, sustained professional development for teachers is necessary in order to have a true impact on student learning.
My school partnerships have led to direct impact with student learning and together we co-create an ongoing, well- thought out professional development strategy that addresses the specific context of the school and supports teachers' growth.
Please email to see a draft plan for a three to five-year school partnership.

Concept-Based Mathematics: Teaching for Deep Understanding Pre-k-12
Traditional mathematics learning focuses on rules and procedures with little understanding of the conceptual relationships of mathematics—and mathematics is a language of conceptual relationships. Traditional approaches assume the deep understanding of concepts and fails to teach for transferability or to consider the context.
In developing a math curriculum that focuses on deep conceptual understanding we look at the following questions:
Why is it important for students to learn conceptually?
What are the facts, processes and concepts in mathematics?
How do I craft generalizations in mathematics?
How do I plan units of work for concept-based mathematics curriculum?
How do I captivate and engage students? Practical strategies for the classroom?
How do I integrate technology to foster conceptual understanding?

Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction Pre-k-12
With the exponential growth of information and knowledge, students need to move to a higher level of abstraction. We need to develop students’ ability to critically think and reason, in order to solve complex problems and create new ideas.
Developing curriculum for deep understanding in all disciplines is a key goal of all teachers.
The following questions can stimulate our thinking in this area:
How is knowledge structured and how can we utilize that structure to develop the intellect?
How can we move to a three-dimensional curriculum and instruction model that allows us to compact the overloaded curriculum, and teach both factual and conceptual knowledge with greater depth and rigour?
What is a conceptual lens and how can we use it to develop higher levels of thinking and increased motivation for learning?
How can we design instruction to achieve synergistic thinking between the factual and conceptual levels of knowledge and understanding?
How do we scaffold thinking to deeper levels?
How do we develop different kinds of guiding questions to path student thinking from the factual to the conceptual level of understanding?
What is the difference between an Activity and a Performance of Deep Understanding?
What does concept-based instruction “look like” in the classroom?

Educational Technology
Integrating technology into curriculum and instruction prepares students for exciting new developments in the 21st Century. Many schools are moving towards adopting a 1:1 program and provide a blended learning environment for their students.
Some questions to consider when developing a program which incorporates elearning:
What are some research-based learning frameworks for the adoption of technology?
What does blended learning look like?
How can technology enhance understanding of the concepts of a discipline?
How do you ensure innovative uses of technology enhance learning?
What are some effective technological tools that are used around the world?
How do you implement a laptop programme effectively?
How do you ensure students use technology appropriately?