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Effective eLearning Practices

Live Synchronous & Asynchronous Online

Modeling Connection, Clarification, Collaboration, and Critical & Conceptual Thinking

What Users Have to Say:

In an era of many people claiming expertise in remote learning, Jennie Wathall’s genuine experience and expertise shines through. Her course reflects a commitment to core principles of quality teaching and learning including the need for interaction, the importance of feedback and the provision of choice and flexibility. Participants not only gain an understanding of the content but, through experiencing her deft design, ways to manage learning in what for many of us, is a new context. I highly recommend this course.

Kath Murdoch, Independent Consultant

The Evolving Nature of Professional Development

Professional development is undergoing an evolution to match the rapid evolution of teaching and learning for the online environment. The elearning ecology provides us with many affordances when curriculum and instruction design is focused on well-researched principles and best practices. 

It is so important we consider specific frameworks that focus on effective pedagogical principles for elearning when we create, plan and design learning for our students in the virtual environment. A truly effective blended learning environment will include Connection, Clarification, Collaboration and Critical & Conceptual Thinking.

I partner with schools to embark on a journey to transform learning and transform pedagogy for the online environment. Let's make learning meaningful, engaging and motivating for our students.

All professional development opportunities are highly interactive, collaborative and social constructivist and adopt a blended approach where we meet face to face synchronously and asynchronously.  


Between two to four X 120 minutes

An Introduction to the Stages of eLearning Adoption.

  • What does the entire journey look like for schools adopting online learning?

  • What well-researched frameworks should we use to guide our teaching and learning in the online environment? 

  • What are the affordances of the eLearning ecology in terms of pedagogy?


Engaging Learning Experiences for the Online Environment

  • What are examples of learning engagements that can be applied to any discipline area and any age group?

  • What are some guiding principles we can use when designing learning engagements for our students in the online environment?


Effective Blended Learning

  • What does the research say about blended learning environments?

  • What do asynchronous and synchronous learning opportunities look like in a Blended Environment 

  • What are the benefits of asynchronous and synchronous learning and how do we blend? 

  • What does a typical blended learning week look like?

​Lessons Learned from Around the World

  • What are some valuable lessons we can learn from schools around the world?

  • What are Jennie’s top tips for teaching online?

  • What are the recommended strategies for teaching online from research?

Effective eLearning Practice Modules

  • Incorporates all elements of the Blended Learning framework: Connection, Clarification, Collaboration, and Critical and Conceptual Thinking 

  • One, Two up to four weeks

  • Any combination of modules- one module per week

  • Modules can be tailored designed to meet the needs of the faulty

  • One 90 minutes live synchronous collaboration or week 

  • Asynchronous platform providing resources, promoting discussion and collaboration 

Effective eLearning Practices:
Blended Professional Learning


Between two to four X 120 minutes

How do we collect evidence of student learning?

Assessment in the Online Environment


  • What are the different types of assessment in the online environment?

  • How do we formatively assess in the online environment?

  • How do we summatively assess in the online environment?

More Effective eLearning Practice Modules


Asynchronous Two Week Online Course

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